The Daily Cup – Set The Stage

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Do you sometimes look around your house and feel like every room needs a makeover? You know how it goes: the moment the thought dares to surface, ever so slightly, it won’t budge until you do something about it. Let’s face it, not only will it not budge, but it grows. However, many of us embrace a frugal lifestyle and makeovers are not cheap. This is when a little bit of home staging, the technique used by realtors to make a home attractive to buyers, comes into play. Try it. Move a chair or the picture frames from one room to another. Accent a couch with an attractive, inexpensive throw. Create a reading corner by rearranging existing furniture. Change the placement of lamps. Sometimes, it’s not at all about having had enough with the same ol’ living room; it’s all about redefining the space to guide the eyes onto a new path.

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